Other Versions of Python

Want to use something other than the latest version of python? Please don’t.

You can, if you know what you’re doing, by why?

XPPython3 has been tested with:

  • Windows: python37, python38, python39, python310

  • Mac: python37, python38, python39, python310

  • Ubuntu 18 (python36, python37, python38), Ubuntu 20 (python38)

Regardless of the python version, you must install a compatible version of XPPython3 plugin (so why not use the most recent?)

The xppython3 plugin version must match the version of python (3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10) you computer is running: the plugin will not load if python is not correctly installed, or if the version does not match. If you change python versions on you computer, you must change plugin version to match. Any micro-release may be used for a particular major.minor release: For example, python 3.10.0 and 3.10.4 are both “3.10”. If you must use something other than the latest python, use a compatible version of the plugin:

Still supported for X-Plane 11, but will be dropped for X-Plane 12. We recommend against starting with these versions:


All operating systems will allow you to have multiple versions of python installed (a bold statement, I know). The hard part becomes setting which python is used when you merely invoke python. XPPython3 does not care which is the default version of python on you system: It looks for, and loads the first version of python3 it can find in the standard locations, so if you’ve installed it from https://python.org it will be loaded.

Python3.6 is deprecated: we still build a version, but will be dropping support soon. Zip file is included here for emergency support: Update your python!